You know we’re now here in this new week, about to start the month of February. So here’s the same question I was asking a month ago, and I want to continue to ask you. How are you doing on your goals? Are you moving towards them? Are you continuing to push forward?
You know this is the point where most New Year’s “resolutions” begin to go sour. It’s where people begin to “rationalize” way they are living their lives. They say “Eh, I’ll do it tomorrow,” or “Geez it’s just been a really busy week so far…” or “I just don’t have time to finish this” I mean pick your favorite.
But we’re not about that anymore. That might have worked in the past, but if we’re still dwelling on those lines, we cannot expect anything greater than what we have now. A wise man once said the things that got you here aren’t the same things that are going to get you there. Now I believe each and every one of us has the ability to achieve BIG goals. We have already been given the ability and the means to achieve and do things that have never been done before. We just have to use them. We can’t let fear, or lame excuses define our lives anymore. We’re here to make changes and be the best we can.
As an example, I recently started the process of beginning to start an internet marketing business. I’ll tell you I read Tim Ferris’ book “The Four Hour Work Week” and I was impressed. I saw that it was possible to achieve levels and goals that I couldn’t even fathom before. I could hardly believe I was starting down the road to achieving my own goals. But I tell you, there isn’t a day that goes by where doubts and fears try to sneak in my head and tell me that I can’t achieve my goals. It’s hard. Sometimes I just want to give up and get back on the “safe” road that I’ve been told to travel my whole life.
But that same thinking won’t get me to my dreams. You see I’ve always wanted to travel; I want to live abroad again. I was one of the few kids that actually used the 4 years of required Spanish back in high school. I had the opportunity to live in Spain for 4 months, and I’m ready to get back there. I want to live a life where I can be an example to my younger siblings, and ultimately my kids. And I know if I didn’t take the chance to be extraordinary, I would always be settling for the ordinary. And life isn’t supposed to be a constant stream of settling. And I hope you won’t settle either.
I came across an amazing quote today, and I hope it will bring you some confidence in pushing towards your goals today
“Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful people with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan "press on" has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race”
Wow! How about that? That’s what I want you all to think about during the remainder of this week. So continue to press on towards your goals!
Expect great things! And get ready to UP YOUR SUCCESS!!