Thursday, January 20, 2011

Parkour and the Mindset. Connecting the Dots

Me and a couple of my friends have been trying to learn to do this thing called parkour, which basically is jumping on/ over crap and looking cool. It's really a tight way to keep in shape and stuff, but there's a lot more that goes into it. You begin to test your fears as you try to do backflips, jump over tables and jump from high places. For example, I've been trying to learn how to do a back flip. am I good at it right now? not really, have I hurt myself trying to do it? yes. but I know if I keep on practicing, I will eventually get it. I know I will. and it's fun to try to do something that not many people can do. 

The biggest thing I've learned so far is that we as human beings have been given so much. we've been given the ability to do so many things, and many times the only one that stops us from accomplishing this is our own fears. 

Take for example walking. everbody walks (unless you have some kind of handicap) from the day we are born we see people walking. it's not a big deal to us at all. It's to balance ourselves on these two stick like objects we call legs. in fact walking is good for us in many ways! we can go places when we walk. Why is walking so easy? because we are taught it at an early age, and it's just a natural part of our lives. 

NOw what if we looked upon walking as a skill that only them most elite have. what if at a young age we were only taught to crawl? wouldn't that be something. It would chage our whole society. podiums would only be maybe 2 feet tall, many of the sports we play would be atered, and only the greatest of athletes would be able to stand, something we find so easy to do?
Now what if we applied this theory to something else, say speaking 6 different languages. what if we from an early age were around people that spoke french, english, italian, swahili, french, and mandarin? then it wouldn't be a problem! Speaking 6 different languages would be freakin' awesome. and we could go places and be understood, because we can speak 6 different languages. 
My question then is why do we stop ourselves from becoming all that we can be? (army commercial quote, i know)

I guess I'm thinking that we shouldn't limit ourselves because society tells us that we can't do it, or that doing it is too hard, or too painful or too demanding or whatever. 

And that's exactly what parkour does. here's an excerpt from a website if found
"Parkour (also called Le Parkour , PK ) is a philosophy/activity in which participants no longer see obstacles in their path as something to keep them where they are, in the world and in life. Instead they see obstacles as opportunities to progress, which they do in the most fluid and natural manner possible." 

Why? because we can walk

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