I consider myself a runner. I really consider it one of my favorite things that I do. Each and every time I get to run it feels like an escape from all the "stuff" that may be going on in my life. It's really cool because I find that when I run I can either, be training, just enjoying good weather, getting my body and mind ready for the day etc. I'll tell you right now that some of my best thoughts come while running. The idea to write this post came from a run yesterday.
I find so many connections between running and life it's almost uncanny. here's a few of them I've thought up for you, and may help you feel like more of a success.
1. Consistency is Key. Persistence is Omnipotent: FACT: if you want to run a marathon, you shouldn't just say "hey what a great day to run 26.2 miles" when the only place you have run to recently is to the door to greet the pizza guy. Running takes training! it takes a commitment over time to better yourself to reach goals like the marathon.
example: I just got my roommate started on running with me. I enjoy our runs, but since he's just starting off (workin' off some of that college beer belly) it's a process. we don't go 6 or 8 miles. we go 2. with breaks. but we're continually moving up and going farther each time. I'm pretty proud of him! he's gone from 1 mile to two! (another tip: celebrate the small things)
2. You don't have to go it alone! When I was in high school I was a part of the track team. our school had consistently gone to state and in my opinion has one of the best (and craziest) coaches out there. He made us run in the morning, run in the afternoon, he even had plans for us to workout during weekends and holidays! (yeah, a little intense, but really worth it.) one thing he has us do is stick together as a team. he would split us into groups depending on ability, and would have us run and finish under a certain time. If ALL of us didn't, we would do another one. I remember whenever I was with the long distance kids (I was a middle distance guy) I always had pushed a little bit harder to finish whatever grueling workout he had for us. why? because I didn't want to let down my team. I wanted to help them succeed. and succeeding for us meant surviving every practice! Get that team! get a partner! associate with those you wanna be like! surround yourself with winners in your field and you'll eventually pick up some of their skills.
3. Don't for get the WHY!!! - When training for my first 10 mile run, I put myself on a strict running regimen, particularly because I wanted to survive the race. I ran day in and day out, but about 3 weeks into it I found myself getting tired of running, trying to make excuses "it's too cold, i have to study (get on facebook), I have this and that to do...." all just lame excuses. My goal of finishing my first 10 miler had become nothing but a chore I had to do. I focused more on HAVING to run than GETTING to achieve my goal. My running buddy continually reminded me on why I was running. that WHY got me through a lot of training runs, and that WHY changed that HAVE to into a GET to. How can you mold your WHY to change your HAVES to GETS?
Well there's my three thoughts for right now, I hope you can use them to kick start whatever you're trying to achieve this year. So I dare you to great things, go boldly forward and get ready to UPYOURSUCCESS!
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